Tuesday 14 December 2010

Random things you maybe didn't know about me

Fun fact:

1. I am the youngest in my class.

2. I am half swedísh, half german.

3. I don't speak german.

4. I've got feet problems, so I need to wear special shoes.

5. My best friends are Astra and Isabella.

6. My parents are divorced.

7. I've got a step sister and a real sister.

8. I've lived in Lux my entire life.

9. I hate salad :D

10. Right now, I'm pretty happy with my life.

11. I am very creative.

12. I tidy my room all the time.

13. I am pretty sensitive when it comes to itchy shirts.

14. I think it's bad that we aren't that many girls in our class.

15. I'm pretty stupid.

16. I'm not allergic to anything.

17. I love shopping.

18. I've got a waterbed every second week.

19. I share room with my sister every second week.

20. I've never broken any bones.

21. When I was small, I was addicted to biting on books, films etc.

22. I'm 162 cm.

23. I have size 37-38 in shoes.

24. I've never died my hair.

25. I have pierced ears.

26. I never have and never will smoke, I won't even try.

27. I've got glasses and contact lences.

28. I am rarely sick.

29. I rarely fail tests.

30. I wake up at 7 sometimes and 5:45 sometimes.

31. I eat a lot of bad food and stuff.

32. I have resisted candy for a year.

33. I have resisted bad food (cookies, candy, chips, soda etc.) for 1 week when I was in London.

34. When I was smaller, I had many ear infections.

35. I have very small ears.

36. I can't think of anything else.

Yupp, that was pretty much it.

See you, I'm off to school.

x Alice x

1 comment:

  1. Hey, thanks so much for your comment (: Really nice blog xx


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